gosh!! only he noe how happy am i rite now... yaaaa.... saper tak hepi lepas spm... gudbye skewl life, welcome real life... i'd just think dat i'm gonna miss each moments since i was in the kindergarden until here where i'm standing... dunia nyata...
i'm some kinda of an afraid to face the real act.. yaaa... it's a confession... but i realised... one day i will face the real life, the real world, so why'd i have to be afraid of it?? rite... i'd got the anthem.. hahaha...
from now on, i've make a promise to me, myself n i dat even anything happen, at enywhere at anytime, do not be afraid to accept urself.. god's creations are da greatest... apa yg tuhan dh bagi kat kiter, itu adalah yg terbaik ntok kite...
i'm 17 n 18 soon. boys are like toys for me... just forgive me boys for what have i done to you... i'm so sorry... esp to N.. i noe dat i'm special to you, but for now, there's no place to you in my heart.. not for anyone act... i'd just love to play with them, spending time with them, n feel dat dis world is mine...hahaha..<<>
i want to make another confession...
i loved to be lonely... ya, i just realised it when nobody's around me... i feel like whoA!!!! awesome..
friends are suck coz they really get me into the pain... i didnt like it..
just let me be myself in my world... i dont need no one to share neither happiness nor sadness.. i've got myself who is my bestest best friend...
arghhh.... speechlesss....hahaha
M.O.T.S >> beware of me, boys outta here!!
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