Saturday, May 19, 2007

.:: wow!! i'm back ::.

seems so long i didnt visit my own home..hukhuk..
now wut?? am i still a rebel?? of course yaa.. mUna still mUna.. no changes n perhaps..
yeah..yeah.. another speechless of me. lately i faced so many wow!!! undescriptive.. 18..
why'd such things should happened to me when i'm on this age?? 18..18..8teen.
ok..maybe u guys need an interpreter when i'm writing in this laguage..heks.. seems my writing was so broken..ok..
hahaah..suker ati aku ler nak nulih mcm maner pon..susa ker..huh

it's complicated..hurm
world always mean..mean!! so mean..i'm tired of their game..but wut should i do.. quit mean i losed.. i aint a i??

hati means nafsu..ker? aku slalu do things based on wut did my heart said.. yeah.. adakah aku mengikut kata nafsuku?? kannn.kann..
frustrated, disappointed, upset..
that's me recently..

aku kecewa ngan diriku, aku kecewa dgn 'mereka' dan aku kecewa dgn 'dia'

god bless me

isit wrong when i'm hopping for er..eternal happiness..
i just wanna be happy..
happy means him..but why'd people become so...arghhh!!!

my song now is 'BUKAN DIRIKU' by samsons

'Walau ku masih mencintaimu, ku harus meninggalkanmu,
ku harus melupakanmu,
meski hatiku menyayngimu,
nurani membutuhkanmu,..bla...bla...'


i missed him

M.O.T.S >> noe yourself before getting noe themselves

0 dah komen wuu~:


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